Great Hearts Forest Heights Juniors are cordially invited to Promenade 2025
Saturday, April 26, 2025
7:00 PM – 11:00 PM
The View at Helotes Creek
15248 Scenic Loop Road
Prom Theme: Red Carpet
Tickets to this event cost $80 and include dinner and dancing.
Tickets will be available at the front desk (cash) or online (card only). If you wish to bring a date from outside GHFH, you must submit a date permission slip (available below and at the front desk) before you can purchase tickets.
Permission Slip
Students are required to complete the permission linked below in order to attend the event.
Students should be dressed to the nines for the event! The attire for Prom will be formal, black-tie optional. See the dress and suiting guides below for details.
Bringing a Date
The Promenade is also the one event of the year when students may invite a guest to be their date for the evening. It is socially acceptable to ask a date (or accept an invitation) and to come on one’s own or as a group of friends. Dates are permitted, not required. If a student wishes to bring a date, he or she may ask a Great Hearts Forest Heights student in grades 10 or 11. Alternately, students may bring a date from outside the academy, provided the guest is in grades 10-11 at another high school, or is 16-19 years old. To bring a date from outside Great Hearts Forest Heights, the below permission form must be returned to the school prior to or when buying tickets.
Reach out to Mrs. Meledeo at as questions arise.